Relationship Maintenance: Keeping the Spark
The hardest part of most relationships is keeping the spark. Whether you and your partner have just met, or you've been married for decades, it can be hard to keep the fire going. So I've listed out some relationship maintenance tips that can help you and your partner keep manifesting the love you both desire, no matter the relationship status.
Long Distance Love
Pick a place central to where you both live. Depending on the distance, drive to meet at a restaurant and have dinner, or fly and arrange an overnight/weekend stay where each of you plans a part of it. Meeting in the middle is both symbolic, and cost effective!
Happily Married
Choose an activity that neither of you have done before to do together. Afterwards, reflect upon the event with your partner. Did you enjoy it? Did you learn something new? Would you do it again? Doing something new will help you see each other in a new light and spark new conversation!
Just Met
Try a tapas restaurant together! This is a great way to see if this person is adventurous, conversational, and if they've had exposure to different cultures, but within a lighthearted atmosphere with a variety of good food and drinks!
Making It Work (Longterm Relationship or Rocky Marriage)
Go to an amateur Comedy Club. Laughter always presents an opportunity to connect/reconnect. Even if the comedians aren't that funny, you my bond over jokes that don't land! Sometimes a lighthearted activity can make you forget about negativity (at least long enough to exchange a few smiles, and endearing gazes that have probably been missing for awhile!