Kept Wife Curriculum


Prepare To Be Kept: An Exceptional Curriculum Designed for a focus on Feminine Empowerment and Love Attraction Mastery as the key to becoming KEPT!

Discover the transformative power of one-of-a-kind courses, and coaching containers created and designed to awaken your inner goddess, magnetize love, and empower you to live the life of a Kept Wife.

Whether you're seeking to reconnect with your feminine energy, manifest your ideal relationship, dive deep into ongoing love attraction mastery, or attract the Genuine Provider Husband you deserve, I have the perfect option for you. 


Find Your Feminine

This foundational series of lessons equips you to make Feminine your default.

Embrace the divine essence of your femininity with Find Your Feminine and explore what it means to embody the qualities of grace, intuition, and strength that create the Keptie foundation.

Through this series of insightful pre-recorded lessons, you'll reconnect with your true feminine essence and step into your power as a woman. An electronic companion workbook with transformative exercises is also included!

Learn more about Find Your Feminine.



Love Attraction Premium Coaching Community - *INVITE ONLY*

This is a 6-month membership commitment with monthly access to D'IONNA, designed for maintenance & elevation. This is not an introductory service.

For invitation to LAPCC You must:

-complete the Find Your Feminine course

-complete the Love Attraction Journal

or have attended at least one Masterclass led by D'IONNA 

Take your journey to the next level with the Premium Coaching Community. As a member, you'll gain access to exclusive content, live coaching sessions, community support, and ongoing guidance to support you on your path to love attraction mastery.

Connect with like-minded individuals in your exclusive Facebook group, receive personalized support from D'IONNA, Mentorship from her husband Will, and accelerate your progress towards a love-filled life as a Kept Wife.

Let's Discuss Your Eligibility for the Premium Coaching Community - Text "PCC Interest" to 214-434-7897



Destination Love - One on One Coaching w/ D'IONNA - *APPLY NOW*

Accelerate your Love Journey with customized strategy and coaching. Included: monthly sessions, real time Voxer Access, and VIP Level Membership in the Premium Coaching Community (valued at $1800).

* This Coaching package is the only way to work with D'IONNA on an individual level.

Destination Love - One on One Coaching w/ D'IONNA - *APPLY NOW*