When you're dating with intention, every encounter is an opportunity to assess the suitability and alignment of a potential partner. Learn how to use my four-point assessment method and my grading rubric to date every date, including Valentine's Day.
Valentine's Day is the perfect opportunity to evaluate the health of your relationship, regardless of your status. Check out my coaching gem inside for a list of red flags and green lights to oberve during your date tonight.
There's no need to dread being single during Valentine's Day. With a little guidance and a fresh perspective, single people can take full advantage of their single season and enjoy Valentine's Day to the full.
You need more than personal accountability to have a successful relationship. When there's a breakdown in the relationship, learn how both partners can own up to and take responsibility for their role and restore the relationship.
Learn why taking accountability with yourself can dramatically shift your mindset and propel you to accomplish your goals and improve your relationships.
Learn the four proven steps to help you give with intention this holiday season as well as my recommendations for some of the best gifts to give those in your life.